Intellectual Fashion

Technium Foundry is the brainchild of a few friends of mine and me. We always try to seamlessly blend worlds. I am a seasoned software developer with an interest in everything. We all have backgrounds in tech so we embarked on this venture to create something, in my eyes, different.

Education Must Be Part

I aspire to be more than just a t-shirt designer. My vision includes an educational component, subtly weaving complex concepts into relatable designs. Coming from skateboarding, snowboarding and surfing, I am well aware of the physics involved so by using sports metaphors and engaging science-based humor, I aim to make learning accessible and enjoyable for the next generation.

The result is, seemingly, a very small company that defies easy categorization. We are part think tank, part creative studio, and wholly committed to the best we can be.

We Are Fusion

In essence, Technium Foundry represents the harmonious fusion of technology, science, sports and humor. So I invite you to join us on this unique journey where quantum physics and clever quips coexist, and where every product tells a story of innovation and wit.

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